Managing Anxiety & Wellbeing Tips

The video shares the key themes from the views shared by children and young people about their experiences of the coronavirus pandemic and what would help when returning to schools.

A document with more detail about these views and ideas can also be downloaded…

This padlet has resources to help support the return to school or college


Here are a couple of other webinars that children and young people might be interested in…

The astounding benefits of Yoga for young people – a young person helps demonstrate

Sue Roffeys reads Dana and the Doom Merchant a transition story for children aged 9 – 13 years


For your reference all the webinars we have done are on our YouTube channel  and this google doc gives a list of all webinars + the links

We also have a document where children and young people can request topics

We will be running more live webinars from September and details can be found on our website (which also has lots of links for parents, school staff & children and young people)

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
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