Mind of my own

Mind of my own

Mind of my own

We believe in a world where all children can have their voices heard.

Children are better supported and cared for when they’re listened to. At Mind Of My Own we believe that young people should always be able to participate fully in their lives and it should be easy for them to speak up anytime they want.

We fully believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts whether that is collaborating internally or with external partners.

Digital technology should help us work smarter and we believe that investing in early intervention is key to making human and cost savings further down the line.

We create delightful user centred products that fit into children and young people’s lives, providing excellent customer service while always keeping the end user in mind.

Mind Of My Own sits at the heart of a strong community of support where practitioners come together to share and learn in the quest to develop truly child centred communities.

You can learn more by visiting their website here.